Some people have this gift, they love and they never let go. Let me tell you, you need to find a way to fight your gift. One day, you're going to find the guy or girl that you're going to think is the one and spend three years with them. They will then break your heart and tell you that you aren't good enough.
Finding somebody that feels the same way about you is going to be hard, but you will get over it. You will find somebody who does love you for who you are instead of what you look like, or how much money you have. Someone is made for you, I promise.
It has been a month and a half since the guy that I thought was my soul mate broke up with me. He gave me every excuse in the book, but let me tell you, I was in love with him. He made me happy, but it just wasn't working out for him. It took a while before we were friends again.
I spent every night for a month crying over him, but he wasn't worth it. I didn't see that until now. I wanted to just disappear, just get away from everything and everyone, but I didn't. It worked out perfectly though, because I knew that there is somebody out there for me. One of my great friends once told me "you have to go through a few heart breaks before you can find the real true one."
I know, I know, it can be more than a few or even less. It just depends when you meet him.
I wish you all good luck. Trust me, when you think that you are all alone in the world, but you have nobody to talk to, I'm always here. I understand.
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